Strategic Documents

Fiecare proiect este definit și de alinierea sa strategică și procedurală la contextele finanțării și la obiectivele generale ale Comisiei Europene. În această secțiune sunt centralizate ghiduri, manuale, documente strategice și rapoarte utile pentru construcția unei propuneri de finanțare. 

Aceasta este o secțiune dinamică, în continuă dezvoltare și actualizare. 


Under development

Business Ready (B-READY) 2024 report assesses the regulatory framework and public services directed at firms, and the efficiency with which regulatory framework and public services are combined in practice.

DG Research and Innovation develops and carries out the Commission’s policies on research and innovation.

Commission work programme

The Commission work program sets out a plan of action for the next 12 months. It describes how political priorities will be turned into concrete actions

The European Innovation Council (EIC) has released its 2024 Tech Report, highlighting 34 emerging technologies and breakthrough innovations that could shape the industries of tomorrow. Drawing on EIC’s internal data and the views of experts in the field, the report identifies early stage trends of novel technologies with the potential to make major impacts on economic growth, Europe’s technological independence, and secure its place on the global stage as a leader in the next generation of breakthrough innovation.

  • The Single Market is a product of an era when both the EU and the world were “smaller”, simpler, and less integrated, and many of today’s key players had not yet entered the scene.
  • Europe has changed fundamentally since the Single Market was launched, to a large extent thanks to its own success.
  • Several factors call for updating the cardinal points of the Single Market, aligning them with the European Union’s new vision for its role in a world that has grown “larger” and undergone significant structural transformations.

The internationally recognized methodology for collecting and using R&D statistics, the OECD’s Frascati Manual is an essential tool for statisticians and science and innovation policymakers worldwide. It includes definitions of basic concepts, data collection guidelines, and classifications for compiling R&D statistics.

The IPBES Global Assessment on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services is composed of 1) a Summary for Policymakers (SPM), approved by the IPBES Plenary at its 7th session in May 2019 in Paris, France (IPBES-7); and 2) a set of six Chapters, accepted by the IPBES Plenary.

This Programme Guide contains detailed guidance on Horizon Europe’s structure, budget, and political priorities. It also includes details on how to prepare proposals. This document aims to help users understand the programme and its calls and prepare their proposals by avoiding technical vocabulary, legal references, and jargon. It seeks to help readers find answers to any practical questions they may have about particular parts of the proposal.

Research and innovation provide new knowledge and innovative solutions to overcome our societal, ecological and economic challenges. Horizon Europe helps researchers and top class innovators to develop and deploy their ideas. It supports excellent science by teaming up the best talent and equipping them with world-class infrastructures. Moreover, it supports breakthrough innovations and helps to create new services and markets.

European Commission: Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, Horizon Europe, the EU research and innovation programme (2021-27) – For a green, healthy, digital and inclusive Europe, Publications Office of the European Union, 2021,

This series presents internationally-agreed methodological guidelines and proposals for the collection, reporting and use of data and indicators on science, technology and innovation (STI). This series of statistical manuals is popularly known as the “Frascati family” of manuals, by reference to the Italian town where the first of these manuals was agreed in 1962 by the OECD Working Party of National Experts on Science and Technology Indicators.

Strengthening European Cohesion and Competitiveness through Research and Innovation


This report presents a summary of the dialogue sessions and main conclusions of the 2024 High Level Workshop that took place in Budapest on 19 and 20 November. The event was organised by Science Europe in partnership with the Hungarian Research Network (HUN-REN) and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA), under the auspices of the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

SRIA is a strategic document that identifies the main technological and innovation challenges to be addressed in the circular bio-based economy. The document outlines the research, demonstration and deployment activities that the CBE JU calls for project proposals should cover.

Research and innovation proved to be among the most powerful European policies to boost the Union’s economies and competitiveness at the global scale. With its ability to drive growth, to create up to 320,000 new highly skilled jobs by 2040, and to leverage approximately 11 euro of additional investments for each euro invested at the European level, the R&I policy is an engine of the green and digital transitions on the continent and stairways to ‘the future we want.

The report looks at the challenges faced by the industry and companies in the Single Market.

The report’s findings will contribute to the Commission’s work on a new plan for Europe’s sustainable prosperity and competitiveness. In particular, they will contribute to the development of the new Clean Industrial Deal for competitive industries and quality jobs, which will be presented in the first 100 days of the new Commission mandate.


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