Systems Thinking Isomorphism as Unifying Theory for Knowledge & Action in the Living Lab Ecosystems

Coordinators: Codrin Dinu Vasiliu

Calla: ERC-AdG 2025

Proposal State of Action: In evaluation

The Systems Thinking Paradigm was not established as a strategic or rigorous science (in Husserl’s sense). So, Systems Thinking (ST) theory became a victim of its celebrity. With infinite methodological lightness, by ST we indicate almost any systemic concept, strategy, or concern. It has rarely occurred in the history of thought that science enters into crisis in the very phase of its constitution. ST Science is now emerging out of its crisis. At the limit, we could say that only philosophy was still in this constitutive critical situation, in its Hellenistic times.

From this point of view, Systems Thinking came to represent a triple risk: (1) epistemological, (2) methodological, and (3) strategic.

KASTLE develops a deconstruction & reconstruction criticism to understand the ST paradigm. Based on the ST Isomorphic Principle (Dinu Vasiliu, 2024), KASTLE is researching the constitution of ST as a strategic science. In this strategic context, ST is, at the same time, the science of knowledge praxeology and the strategic technology in societal ecosystems. Thus, KASTLE will explore the constitutive meaning of ST theories:

  • as rigorous science in the epistemological sense
  • as a strategic science, for intervention tools in participatory development

KASTLE uses classical and new methodologies specific to the ST paradigm. One of the frontier dimensions of this project is that KASTLE proposes new conceptual, methodological, and hermeneutic tools, according to the challenges arising from the action of exploring the limits of knowledge in these epistemological and societal contexts.

KASTLE has an independent research authority and mission. However, according to the values of participatory knowledge, KASTLE is also based on a 54 researchers community from almost all societal fields. If the project idea represents its heuristic and pragmatic value, its alliance stands for its multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary dimension.
