- Deschiderea unei propuneri de finanțare ERC pe platforma Funding & Tenders
- Despre formularele propunerii ERC (Templates)
- Descărcărcarea formularelor propunerii de finanțare
- Structura formularelor propunerii de finanțare
- Abstract (Summary)
- Part B1
- Part B2
- CV & Track Record pentru persoana cu rol de Principal Investigator
- All current and on-going or submitted grants pentru persoana cu rol de Principal Investigator
Part B1
(2000 de caractere, cu tot cu spații)
Aspecte generale
- Proposal summary (identical to the abstract from the online proposal submission forms, section 1).
- A clear understanding of the objectives of the research proposal and how they will be achieved
- The abstract will be used as the short description of your research proposal in the evaluation process
- It must therefore be short and precise and should not contain confidential information.
Cross-panel or cross-domain nature of your proposal
(1000 de caractere, cu tot cu spații)
- Explain and justify the cross-panel or cross-domain nature of your proposal, if a secondary panel is indicated in the online proposal submission forms.
Section a: Extended Synopsis of the scientific proposal
(max. 5 pages, references do not count towards the page limit)
Please respect the following formatting constraints: Times New Roman, Arial or similar, at least font size 11, margin sizes (2.0 cm side and 1.5 cm top and bottom), and single line spacing.
- a concise presentation of the scientific proposal
- ground-breaking nature of the research project
- the feasibility of the outlined scientific approach
- Describe the proposed work in the context of the state of the art of the field
- References to literature should also be included